Report of the Report of the Financial Contents Overview Executive Board Supervisory Board statements Other information Net debt Non-current and current interest-bearing loans and borrowings and bank overdrafts less investments held for trading and cash. Net debt/EBITDA (beia) ratio The ratio is based on a 12-month rolling calculation for EBITDA (beia). Net profit Profit after deduction of non-controlling interests (profit attributable to eguity holders of the Company). Organic growth Growth excluding the effect of foreign currency translational effects, consolidation changes, exceptional items and amortisation of acguisition-related intangible assets. Organic volume growth Growth in volume, excluding the effect of consolidation changes. Operating profit Consolidated operating profit Results from operating activities. Group operating profit (beia) Consolidated operating profit (beia) plus attributable share of operating profit (beia) from joint ventures and associates. Profit Total profit of the Group before deduction of non-controlling interests. All brand names mentioned in this report, including those brand names not marked by an represent registered trademarks and are legally protected. Region A region is defined as HEINEKEN's managerial classification of countries into geographical units. Revenue Consolidated revenue Net realised sales proceeds. Group revenue (beia) Consolidated revenue plus attributable share of revenue from joint ventures and associates. Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2013

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Jaarverslagen | 2013 | | pagina 150