- Report of the Report of the Contents Overview Executive Board Supervisory Board Financial statements Other information 29. Share-based payments - Long-Term Variable Award The annual share rights granted to the Executive Board and senior management are as follows: Based on Grant date/employees entitled Number* share price Share rights granted to Executive Board in 2011 65,072 36.69 Share rights granted to senior management in 2011 730,090 36.69 Share rights granted to Executive Board in 2012 66,746 35.77 Share rights granted to senior management in 2012 703,382 35.77 Share rights granted to Executive Board in 2013 50,278 50.47 Share rights granted to senior management in 2013 560,863 50.47 *The number of shares is based on target performance. The impact of the economic downturn on the pre-2014 performance has rendered the long-term incentive awards over the performance periods 2012-2014 and 2013-2015 ineffective for post-2013 performance. Therefore, the performance conditions for these plans have been recalibrated to restore the effectiveness of these awards as stretching performance incentives for the years 2014 and 2015. This has been done for the entire senior management population upon discretion by the Executive Board, and for the Executive Board, albeit at more stretching levels, upon discretion by the Supervisory Board. There was no incremental fair value of the underlying eguity instruments granted. Elowever due to the adjustment of the performance conditions the expected vesting of the outstanding awards has been revised accordingly. The fair value impact has been determined in accordance with the accounting policy for share-based payments (Note 3k (v)). The performance conditions of the long-term variable award over the performance period 2011-2013 have not been recalibrated. For the long-term variable awards over performance periods 2013-2015 and beyond the Supervisory Board has agreed for the CEO in the context of his re-appointment in 2013, that resignation will gualify as retirement going forward. Given existing agreements per 2005 for a specific group of senior managers (including the current Executive Board members), this implies that such unvested LTV awards at resignation will continue to vest at their regular vesting dates, insofar and to the extent that pre-determined performance conditions are met. This agreement will not apply in case of dismissal by the Company for an urgent reason within the meaning of the law ('dringende reden'), or in case of dismissal for cause ('gegronde reden') whereby the cause for dismissal concerns unsatisfactory functioning. Based on internal performance it is expected that approximately 219,454 shares of the LTV 2011-2013 will vest in 2014 for senior management and Executive Board. The number, as corrected for the expected performance for the various awards, and weighted average share price per share under the LTV of senior management and Executive Board are as follows: Weighted average share price 2013 Number of share rights 2013 Weighted average share price 2012 Number of share rights 2012 Outstanding as at 1 January 35.42 1,357,826 29.14 1,546,514 Granted during the year 50.47 611,141 35.77 770,128 Forfeited during the year 40.52 (120,014) 35.44 (99,391) Vested during the year 33.27 (331,768) 21.90 (615,967) Performance adjustment (260,079) (243,458) Outstanding as at 31 December 42.41 1,257,106 35.42 1,357,826 Under the extraordinary share plans for senior management 35,750 shares were granted and 9,942 (gross) shares vested. These extraordinary grants only have a service condition and vest between 1 and 5 years. The expenses relating to these expected additional grants are recognised in profit or loss during the vesting period. Expenses recognised in 2013 are EUR1.1 million (2012: EUR1.1 million). Matching shares, extraordinary shares and retention share awards granted to the Executive Board only are disclosed in note 35. Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2013 110

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