- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Report of the Report of the Contents Overview Executive Board Supervisory Board Financial statements Other information 28. Employee benefits In other countries the pension plans are defined contribution plans and/or similar arrangements for employees. Other long-term employee benefits mainly relate to long-term bonus plans, termination benefits, medical plans and jubilee benefits. Movement in net defined benefit obligation The movement in the defined benefit obligation over the year is as follows: Present value of defined Fair value of defined benefit Present value of net benefit obligations plan assets obligations In millions of EUR Note 2013 2012* 2013 2012* 2013 2012* Balance as at 1 January 7,844 6,843 (6,401) (5,860) 1,443 983 Included in profit or loss Current service cost 80 60 80 60 Past service cost/(credit) (42) (43) (42) (43) Administration expense 3 3 3 3 Expense recognised in personnel expenses 38 17 3 3 41 20 Interest expense/fincome) 12 288 330 (232) (277) 56 53 326 347 (229) (274) 97 73 Included in OCI Remeasurement loss/(gain): Actuarial loss/(gain) arising from Demographic assumptions 16 116 16 116 Financial assumptions (167) 907 (167) 907 Experience adjustments (6) (170) (6) (170) Return on plan assets excluding interest income (106) (336) (106) (336) Effect of movements in exchange rates (100) 99 76 (30) (73) (24) 26 (257) 952 (409) (287) 543 Other Changes in consolidation and reclassification 48 (1) 5 1 53 Contributions paid: By the employer (185) (156) (185) (156) By the plan participants 26 26 (26) (26) Benefits paid (313) (323) 313 323 (239) (298) 107 (6,553) 142 (132) 1,121 (156) Balance as at 31 December 7,674 7,844 (6,401) 1,443 *Restated for the revised IAS 19. The defined benefit plan in the Netherlands was amended to reflect changes in legal reguirements. From 1 January 2014 the target retirement age went up from 65 to 67 and the maximum build-up rate was changed to the maximum rate allowed under the law of 2.15 per cent. Asa result, the defined benefit obligation in the Dutch plan decreased by EUR30 million. A corresponding past service credit was recognised in profit or loss during 2013. In Mexico, a curtailment gain was recognised as a result of a reduction in the number of employees covered by the plan following a restructuring. Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2013 106

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