- - (D - - - - (D Report of the Report of the Contents Overview Executive Board Supervisory Board Financial statements Other information 26. Finance lease liabilities Finance lease liabilities are payable as follows: Present Present Future value of Future value of minimum minimum minimum minimum lease lease lease lease payments Interest payments payments Interest payments In millions of EUR 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 Less than one year k k 16 16 Between one and five years 5 5 21 20 More than five years 2 2 9 9 39 38 The decrease in the finance lease liabilities mainly relates to the disposal of our Hartwall operations in Finland. 27. Non-GAAP measures In the internal management reports HEINEKEN measures its performance primarily based on EBIT and EBIT (beia), which are non-GAAP measures not calculated in accordance with IFRS. A similar non-GAAP adjustment can be made to the IFRS profit or loss as defined in IAS 1 paragraph 7 being the total of income less expense. Exceptional items are defined as items of income and expense of such size, nature or incidence, that in the view of management their disclosure is relevant to explain the performance of HEINEKEN for the period. The table below presents the relationship with IFRS measures, the results from operating activities and Net profit and HEINEKEN non-GAAP measures being EBIT, EBIT (beia), Consolidated operating profit (beia), Group operating profit (beia) and Net profit (beia) for the financial year 2013. In millions of EUR 20131 20121* Results from operating activities 2,554 3,697 Share of profit of associates and joint ventures and impairments thereof (net of income tax) 146 213 EBIT 2,700 3,910 Exceptional items and amortisation of acquisition-related intangible assets included in EBIT 391 (992) EBIT (beia) 3,091 2,918 Share of profit of associates and joint ventures and impairments thereof (beia) (net of income tax) (150) (252) Consolidated operating profit (beia) 2,941 2,666 Attributable share of operating profit from joint ventures and associates and impairments thereof 251 440 Group operating profit (beia) 3,192 3,106 Profit attributable to equity holders of the Company (net profit) 1,364 2,914 Exceptional items and amortisation of acquisition-related intangible assets included in EBIT 391 (992) Exceptional items included in finance costs (11) (206) Exceptional items included in income tax expense (151) (55) Exceptional items included in non-controlling interest (8) Net profit (beia) 1,585 1,661 *Restated for the revised IAS 19. 1Unaudited The 2013 exceptional items included in EBIT contain the amortisation of acguisition-related intangibles for EUR329 million (2012: EUR198 million), the impairment of intangible assets and P, P E in Russia for EUR102 million, the gain on sale of our Kazakhstan operations of EUR75 million and restructuring expenses in Europe of EUR99 million (2012: EUR97 million). The remainder of EUR64 million primarily relates to the dilution gain as a result of the share issuance by our joint venture Compania Cervecerias Unidas S.A. ofEUR47 million. Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2013 104

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Jaarverslagen | 2013 | | pagina 105