Report of the
Executive Board
Report of the
Supervisory Board Financial statements Other information
Selection Appointment Committee
The Selection Appointment Committee, inter alia, (i) draws up selection
criteria and appointment procedures for Supervisory Board members
and Executive Board members, (ii) periodically assesses the size and
composition of the Supervisory Board and the Executive Board, and makes
a proposal for a composition profile of the Supervisory Board, (iii)
periodically assesses the functioning of individual Supervisory Board members
and Executive Board members and reports on this to the Supervisory
Board, (iv) makes proposals for appointments and reappointments and
(v) supervises the policy of the Executive Board on the selection criteria
and appointment procedures for senior management.
Americas Committee
The Americas Committee advises the Supervisory Board on the overall
strategic direction of the Americas Region and reviews and evaluates
the performance, the organisation and the management in the
Americas Region.
Decree Article 10 Take-Over Directive
The issued share capital of Eleineken N.V. amounts to EUR921,604;180.80,
consisting of 576,002,613 shares of EUR1.60 each. Each share carries one
vote. The shares are listed on Euronext Amsterdam.
All shares carry egual rights and are freely transferable (unless provided
otherwise hereunder).
Shares repurchased by Heineken N.V. for the share-based long-term
variable awards or for any other purpose do not carry any voting rights
and dividend rights.
Shareholders who hold shares on a predetermined record date are entitled
to attend and vote at General Meetings of Shareholders. The record
date for the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of 25 April 2013
is 28 days before the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, i.e. on
28 March 2013.
Substantial shareholdings
Pursuant to the Financial Supervision Act (Wet op het financieel toezicht)
and the Decree on Disclosure of Major Holdings and Capital Interests in
Issuing Institutions (Besluit melding zeggenschapen kapitaalbelang in
uitgevende instellingen), the Financial Markets Authority has been notified
about the following substantial shareholding regarding Heineken N.V.:
Mrs. C.L. de Carvalho-Heineken (indirectly 50.005 per cent; the direct
50.005 per cent shareholder is Heineken Holding N.V.)
Voting Trust (FEMSA) (indirectly 10.14 percent; the direct 10.14 percent
shareholder is CB Eguity LLP); as at 31 December 2012 CB Eguity LLP
holds 12.53 percent
Massachusetts Financial Services Company (a capital interest of 2.12
per cent and a voting interest of 5.00 per cent of which 2.94 per cent
is held directly and 2.06 percent is held indirectly).
Restrictions related to shares held by FEMSA
Upon completion (on 30 April 2010) oftheacguisition of the beer
operations of Fomento Económico Mexicano, S.A.B. de C.V. ('FEMSA'),
CB Eguity LLP (belonging to the FEMSA group) received Heineken N.V.
shares (and Heineken Holding N.V. shares). Pursuant to the Corporate
Governance Agreement of 30 April 2010 concluded between Heineken
N.V, Heineken Holding N.V, LArche Green N.V, FEMSA and CB Eguity LLP
the following applies:
Subject to certain exceptions, FEMSA, CB Eguity LLP and any member
of the FEMSA group shall not increase its shareholding in Heineken
Holding N.V. above 20 per cent and shall not increase its holding in the
Heineken Group above a maximum of 20 per cent economic interest
(such capped percentages referred to as the Voting Ownership Cap').
Subject to certain exceptions, FEMSA, CB Eguity LLP and any member
of the FEMSA group may not exercise any voting rights in respect
of any shares beneficially owned by it, if and to the extent such shares
are in excess of the applicable Voting Ownership Cap.
FEMSA, CB Eguity and any member of the FEMSA group may not
sell any shares in Heineken N.V. (and in Heineken Holding N.V.) for
a five-year period, subject to certain exceptions, including amongst
others, (i) beginning in year three, the right to sell up to 1 per cent of all
outstanding shares of each of Heineken N.V. and Heineken Holding N.V.
in any calendar guarter and (ii) beginning in year three, the right to sell
any Heineken N.V. shares and/or any Heineken Holding N.V. shares in
any private block sale outside the facilities of a stock exchange so long
as Heineken Holding N.V. (as to Heineken N.V. shares) respectively
LArche Green N.V. (as to Heineken Holding N.V. shares) is given first
the opportunity to acguire such shares at the market price thereof.
Unless FEMSA's economic interest in the HEINEKEN Group were to fall
below 14 per cent, the current FEMSA control structure were to change
or FEMSA were to be subject to a change of control, FEMSA is entitled
to have two representatives on the Heineken N.V. Supervisory Board,
one of whom will be Vice-Chairman, who also serves as the FEMSA
representative on the Board of Directors of Heineken Holding N.V.
Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2012