Report of the
Executive Board
Report of the
Supervisory Board
Financial statements
Other information
Net debt/EBITDA (beia) ratio
The ratio is based on a twelve month rolling calculation for EBITDA (beia).
Net profit
Profit after deduction of non-controlling interests (profit attributable to equity holders of the Company).
Organic growth
Growth excluding the effect of foreign currency translational effects, consolidation changes, exceptional items, amortisation of acquisition-related
intangible assets.
Organic volume growth
Increase in volume, excluding the effect of the first time consolidation of acquisitions.
Operating profit
Results from operating activities.
Total profit of the Group before deduction of non-controlling interests.
All brand names mentioned in this report, including those brand names not marked by an represent registered trademarks and are legally protected.
A region is defined as HEINEKEN's managerial classification of countries into geographical units.
Net realised sales proceeds in euros.
Top-line growth
Growth in net revenue.
Amstel® volume
The group beer volume of the Amstel brand.
Consolidated beer volume
100 per cent of beer volume produced and sold by fully consolidated companies (excluding the beer volume produced and sold by joint venture companies).
Group beer volume
100 per cent of beer volume produced and sold by fully consolidated companies and joint venture companies as well as the volume of HEINEKEN's
brands produced and sold under license by third parties.
Heineken® volume
The Group beer volume of the Heineken brand.
Heineken® volume in premium segment
The Group beer volume of the Heineken brand in the premium segment (Heineken volume in the Netherlands is excluded).
Total Consolidated volume
Volume produced and sold by fully consolidated companies (including beer, cider, soft drinks and other beverages), volume of third party products
and volume of HEINEKEN's brands produced and sold under license by third parties.
Weighted average number of shares
Weighted average number of issued shares including the weighted average of outstanding ASDI, adjusted for the weighted average of own shares
purchased in the year.
Weighted average number of issued shares including the weighted average of outstanding ASDI.
Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2012 171