Report of the
Executive Board
Report of the
Supervisory Board
Financial statements
Other information
Non-controlling interests
The non-controlling interests (NCI) relate to minority stakes held by third parties in HEINEKEN consolidated subsidiaries. Due to the APIPL/APB
acquisition HEINEKEN recognised additional NCI's for a total of EUR797 million. An amount of EUR645 million represents the share of third parties in
subsidiaries of the APIPL/APB Group. An amount of EUR152 million represents the APB shares that H EINEKEN did not yet acquire on 15 November 2012.
These shares are subject to the Mandatory General Offer. Both NCI's are valued at their share in net assets acquired. Due to purchases of APB shares
between 15 November 2012 and 31 December 2012, the NCI decreased with EUR91 million and as at 31 December 2012 HEINEKEN owns 98.7 per
cent of APB.
23. Earnings per share
Basic earnings per share
The calculation of basic earnings per share as at 31 December 2012 is based on the profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company (net
profit) of EUR2.949 million (2011EUR1,430 million) and a weighted average number of ordinary shares - basic outstanding during the year ended
31 December 2012 of 575.022.338 (2011:585,100,381). Basic earnings per share for the year amounted to EUR5.13 (2011: EUR2.44).
Weighted average number of shares - basic
576,002,613 576,002,613
(980,275) (1,177,321)
575,022,338 585,100,381
Number of shares basic 1 January
Effect of own shares held
Effect of undelivered ASDI shares
Effect of new shares issued
Weighted number of basic shares for the year
The Allotted Share Delivery Instrument (ASDI) represented HEINEKEN's obligation to deliver shares to FEMSA, either through issuance and/or purchasing
of its own shares in the open market, which was concluded in 2011EPS in 2011 was impacted by ASDI as in the formula calculating EPS the net profit is
divided by the weighted average number of ordinary shares. In this weighted average number of ordinary shares, the weighted average of outstanding
ASDI is included. This means that the ASDI has led to a lower basic EPS until all shares had been repurchased in 2011
Diluted earnings per share
The calculation of diluted earnings per share as at 31 December 2012 is based on the profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company
(net profit) of EUR2.949 million (2011: EUR1,430 million) and a weighted average number of ordinary shares - basic outstanding after adjustment for
the effects of all dilutive potential ordinary shares of 576,002,613 (2011:586,277,702). Diluted earnings per share for the year amounted to EUR5.12
(2011: EUR2.44).
Weighted average number of shares - diluted
Weighted number of basic shares for the year
Effect of own shares held
Weighted average diluted shares for the year
Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2012