Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
6. Acquisitions and disposals of subsidiaries and non-controlling interests continued
In millions of EUR*
Property, plant equipment
Intangible assets
Trade and other receivables
Cash and cash equivalents
Assets acquired
In millions of EUR*
Loans and borrowings, current and non-current
Deferred tax liabilities
Other long term liabilities
Tax liabilities (current)
Trade and other current liabilities
Liabilities assumed
Total net identifiable assets
In millions of EUR*
Consideration transferred 88
Fair value of previously held equity interest in the acquiree
Non-controlling interests
Net identifiable assets acquired
Provisional goodwill on acquisition
*The'BraNa' amounts we re converted into EUR at the rate of EUR/HTG 54.2613. Additionally, certain amounts provided in US dollar were converted into EUR based at the rate of EUR/USD1.3446.
The amounts recorded for the acquired businesses are prepared on a provisional basis. Goodwill has been allocated to Haiti in the America's region
which is held in HTG (Haitian Gourde) and for Stassen to the Western Europe region held in EUR. The entire amounts of goodwill are not expected
to be tax deductible.
The fair value of the previously held 22.5 percent in BraNa is recognised at EUR21 million. The revaluation to fair value of the Group's existing
22.5 per cent in BraNa resulted in a net profit of EUR20 million that has been recognised in the income statement in other net finance income (note12).
Non-controlling interests are recognised based on their proportional interest in the recognised amounts of the assets and liabilities of BraNa of
EUR3 million.
Acquisition related costs are not material and have been recognised in the income statement for the period ended 31 December 2012.
Acquisition of non-controlling interest
As part of the unwinding of their partnerships in Kazakhstan and Serbia with Efes Breweries International N.V. (EBI) HEINEKEN acquired EBI's 28 per cent
stake in the Serbian operations and since 27 December wholly owns Central Europe Beverages (CEB). On 8 lanuary 2013 HEINEKEN sold its 28 per cent
stake in Efes Kazakhstan which is reported in the subsequent events note 37. Selling the cross-holdings to each other will result in a net consideration to
be paid by EBI to HEINEKEN of USD161 million.
Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2012