101 The set-off in 2010 was higher compared to 2009 due to the formation of additional tax groups and the effect of the acquisition ofFEMSA. Tax losses carry-forwards Heineken has losses carry-forwards for an amount of EUR1,833 million as per 31 December 2010 (2009: EUR983 million), which expire in the following years: 20102009 2010 - 11 11 16 8 11 2013 32 18 2014 30 18 2015 32 After 2015 respectively 2014 but not unlimited 314 91 ilimited 1,406 818 1,833 983 f ecognised as deferred tax assets gross (807) (479) Unrecognised 1,026 504 f ovement in deferred tax on temporary differences during the year Effect of Balance movements Balance 1 January Changes in in foreign Recognised Recognised 31 December 2009 operty, plant equipment (338) (3) 10 (3) 4 (330) tangible assets (281) (1) (4) 49 (32) (269) 1 ivestments (25) (2) 34 2 9 yentories 5 6 11 i oans and borrowings 1 1 Employee benefits 117 1 3 (4) (1) 116 i'ovisions 64 (4) (4) 36 92 (ther items 30 1 (4) 10 (4) (25) 8 ix losses carry-forwards 128 6 (10) 2t tax assets/jliabilities) (299) (6) 5 82 (2) (5) (225) Effect of Balance movements Balance 1 January Changes in in foreign Recognised Recognised 31 December 2010 consolidation exchange in income in equity Transfers 2010 operty, plant equipment (330) (161) - 28 - (1) (464) tangible assets (269) (475) 3 17 - (3) (727) 1 vestments 9 54 (3) 18 - - 78 ventories 11 (4) (1) 20 - 1 27 oans and borrowings 1 (1) - (1) - - (1) nployee benefits 116 53 (2) (15) - - 152 ovisions 92 14 (2) 30 - - 134 ther items 8 40 (2) 15 (43) 8 26 ix losses carry-forwards 137 33 5 39 - (1) 213 et tax assets/Oiabilities)(225) (447)(2) 151(43)4 (562) eineken N.V. Annual Report 2010

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2010 | | pagina 98