95 14. Property, plant and equipment In millions of EUR Land and Note buildings Plant and equipmi Other fixed assets Under construction Cost Balance as at 1 January 2009 Changes in consolidation 3,381 5,169 91 110 199 (39) 3,459 457 12,466 15 (9) 3 100 Purchases 45 232 78 291 678 Transfer of completed projects under construction 89 (366) Transfer to/(from) assets classified as held for sale 19 (39) (3) (62) Disposals Effect of movements in exchange rates (94) 5 (122) (71) (204) (68) 1 (488) Balance as at 31 December 2009 3,460 5,337 3,518 315 12,630 Balance as at 1 January 2010 3,460 5,337 3,518 315 12,630 Changes in consolidation 745 635 253 72 1,705 P irehases 38 82 249 279 648 Transfer of completed projects under construction 106 142 104 (352) - 1 ansfer to/(from) assets classified as held for sale 26 34 39 2 101 Disposals (49) (130) (285) (1) (465) f feet of movements in exchange rates 71 107 61 15 254 E ilance as at 31 December 2010 4,397 6,207 3,939 330 14,873 preciation and impairment losses alance as at 1 January 2009 (1,282) (2,720) (2,150) (6,152) anges in consolidation 2 3 5 epreciation charge for the year 11 (117) (286) (365) (768) :pairment losses 11 (81) (95) (5) (181) versal impairment losses 11 1 16 1 18 ansfer (to)/from assets classified as held for sale 8 22 19 49 iisposals ect of movements in exchange rates 62 169 19 166 (2) 397 19 ilance as at 31 December 2009 (1,405) (2,875) (2,333) - (6,613) ilance as at 1 January 2010 tanges in consolidation 6 (1,405) 12 (2,875) 31 (2,333) 35 - (6,613) 78 apreciation charge for the year 11 (117) (342) (434) - (893) pairment losses 11 (15) (19) (6) - (40) versal impairment losses 11 4 21 1 - 26 ansfer (to)/from assets classified as held for sale (6) (14) (23) - (43) posals 37 128 263 - 428 feet of movements in exchange rates (36) (54) (39) - (129) iance as at 31 December 2010 (1,526) (3,124) (2,536) - (7,186) irrying amount at 1 January 2009 2,099 2,449 1,309 457 6,314 at 31 December 2009 2,055 2,462 1,185 315 6,017 at 1 January 2010 2,055 2,462 1,185 315 6,017 at 31 December 2010 2,871 3,083 1,403 330 7,687 ipairment losses 2010 a total impairment loss of EUR40 million (2009: EUR181 million) was charged to profit or loss. These impairment losses eluded EUR20 million in Serbia. Management performed an impairment of assets analysis after identifying a triggering event relating the then current market conditions. The remaining impairments mainly relate to restructuring in Belgium, Egypt, Italy and Austria. iineken N.V. Annual Report 2010

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2010 | | pagina 92