114 Financial statements Notes to the consolidated financial statements 30. Provisions Onerous In millions of EUR Restructuring contracts Other Tota Balance as at 1 January 2010 171 55 292 518 Changes in consolidation 6 (2) (4) 154 148 Provisions made during the year 50 48 132 230 Provisions used during the year (87) (38) (116) (241) Provisions reversed during the year (23) (9) (50) _J82) Effect of movements in exchange rates 2 2 12 16 Unwinding of discounts 1 1 Balance as at 31 December 2010 112 55 431 59 Non-current 59 40 376 475 Current 53 15 55 123 112 55 431 59. Restructuring The provision for restructuring of EUR112 million mainly relates to restructuring programmes in Spain, the Netherlands and the UK Other provisions Included are, amongst others, surety and guarantees provided EUR56 million (2009: EUR61 million), litigations and claims EUR230 million (2009: EUR50 million) and environmental provisions EUR4 million (2009: EUR8 million). 31. Trade and other payables In millions of EUR Note 2010 1,660 434 652 53 97 Derivatives 66 96 Other payables 298 ccruals and deferred income909 8 324,2653,696

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2010 | | pagina 111