Supervisory Board
Composition of the Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board consists of nine members: Cees (C.J.A).
van Lede (Chairman), Jan Maarten J.M.) de Jong (Vice-
Chairman), Maarten (M.) Das (delegated member), Michel
(M.R.) de Carvalho, Jan Michiel (J.M.) Hessels, Annemiek (A.M.)
Fentener van Vlissingen, Lord Ian (I.C.) MacLaurin, Mary (M.)
Minnick and Christophe (V.C.O.B.J.) Navarre.
Information on these Supervisory Board members is
provided hereunder.
Cees (C.J.A.) van Lede (1942)
Dutch nationality; male.
Appointed in 2002; latest reappointment in 2006".
Chairman (2004).
Profession: Company Director,
ipervisory directorships Dutch stock listed companies:
ayal Philips Electronics N.V.
ther: Sara Lee Corporation, Air Liquide S.A., Air France/
LM, Senior Advisor Europe, JP Morgan Pic., London.
n Maarten (J.M.) de Jong (1945)
utch nationality; male.
ppointed in 2002; latest reappointment in 2006'.
ce-Chairman (2004).
ofession: Banker.
ipervisory directorships Dutch stock listed companies:
itreco Holding N.V.
her: CRH pic, Ireland, AON Groep Nederland B.V.,
edietbank S.A. Luxembourgeoise, Luxembourg, Krediet
mk N.V., Belgium.
aarten (M.) Das (1948)
itch nationality; male.
ipointed in 1994; latest reappointment in 2009".
legated member (1995).
ofession: Advocaat (Attorney at law).
ipervisory directorships Dutch stock listed companies:
me. Other: Greenfee B.V. (Chairman).
her directorships": Heineken Holding N.V. (Chairman),
Vrche Green N.V. (Chairman), Stichting
dministratiekantoor Priores, LAC B.V.
ichel (M.R.) de Carvalho (1944)
itish nationality; male.
opointed in 1996; latest reappointment in 2007".
ofession: Banker, Investment Banking, Citi Inc., UK (Vice-
nairman) and Citi Private Bank Europe, Middle East and
frica (Chairman).
o supervisory directorships Dutch stock listed companies,
ther directorships": L'Arche Green N.V.
Jan Michiel (J.M.) Hessels (1942)
Dutch nationality; male.
Appointed in 2001; latest reappointment in 2009*.
Profession: Company Director.
Supervisory directorships Dutch stock listed companies:
Royal Philips Electronics N.V. (Chairman).
Other: NYSE Euronext (Chairman), S.C. Johnson Europlant N.V.
(Chairman), Central Plan Committee of the Netherlands
Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (CPB) (Chairman).
Annemiek (A.M.) Fentener van Vlissingen (1961)
Dutch nationality; female.
Appointed in 2006*.
Profession: Company Director.
Supervisory directorships Dutch stock listed companies:
Draka Holding N.V.
Other: SHV Holdings N.V. (Chairman), De Nederlandsche Bank.
Ian (I.C.) MacLaurin (1937)
British nationality; male.
Appointed in 2006'.
Profession: Company Director.
No supervisory directorships Dutch stock listed companies.
Other: Evolution Group Pic., Chartwell Group.
Mary (M.E.) Minnick (1959)
American nationality; female.
Appointed in 2008*.
Profession: Partner in Lion Capital LLP, UK.
No supervisory directorships Dutch stock listed companies.
Christophe (V.C.O.B.J.) Navarre (1958)
Belgian nationality; male.
Appointed in 2009".
Profession: President CEO LVMH Wines Spirits Group.
No supervisory directorships Dutch stock listed companies.
If applicable, board memberships mentioned under 'Other'
only list other key board memberships.
For the maximum period of four years.
Where relevant to performance of the duties of the Supervisory Board.
The Supervisory Board members are appointed by the
General Meeting of Shareholders from a non-binding
nomination drawn up by the Supervisory Board.
The General Meeting of Shareholders can dismiss members
of the Supervisory Board by a majority of the votes cast,
if the subject majority at least represents one-third of the
issued capital.
Annual Report 2009 - Heineken N.V.