Africa and the Middle East
19-8 million hectolitres
2.3 million hectolitres
EBIT (beia)
Consolidated beer volume
Heineken volume in premium segment
fceer Vsan
exceWent match
for good food
I The subtle tastes of beer can
L comp\ement food just Wke
1 W\ne. beer is even regarded
I as a better match for some
I foods such as cheese and
I 6hoco\ate.«ateo combines
Report of the Executive Board
Regional Review
2006 I
2007 I
2008 I
2009 I
Heineken is the number two brewer in Africa and the
Middle East.
In the second half of the year, beer consumption in Nigeria
slowed, affecting the region's total growth rate. In the rest
of Africa, volumes continued to develop well.
Organic revenue grew 9.1 per cent, driven by higher volumes
and better prices. EBIT (beia) was higher, thanks to double-
digit organic growth and despite the negative currency
translation effect of EUR 34 million.
Volume of the Heineken brand grew 12 per cent to 2.3 million
hectolitres, mainly driven by strong growth in South Africa
(+29 per cent), Nigeria (+22 per cent) and Algeria (+29 per
cent). With the Heineken brand growing 29 per cent, Algeria
is now the brand's third largest market in the region.
Volume of the Amstel brand grew 24 per cent. Amstel is now
the region's third largest beer brand, after Primus and Star.
Soft drinks and other beverages volumes for the region grew
by 7.5 per cent to 7.2 million hectolitres.
Annual Report 2009 - Heineken N.V.
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Annual Report 2009 - Heineken N.V. 33