Zlaty Bazant, the world-class Slovak beer
Consolidated beer volume:
3.2 million hectolitres
Market share: 71.9%
Market position: 1
The Greek beer market was driven 6 per cent
lower due to the financial crisis, a 20 per cent
increase in excise duty in February, lower
tourist numbers, inventories reduction by
wholesalers and less favourable summer
weather compared with 2008.
Market share of Athenian Breweries
decreased as microbrewers and private label
beer grew market share. Amstel declined
substantially, but the Heineken, Fischer and
Alfa brands outperformed the market. The
Heineken brand benefited from a new
marketing campaign.
Revenue and EBIT were lower, as a 2 per cent
net price increase was not sufficient to offset
the effect of lower volume.
Czech Republic
Consolidated beer volume:
2.6 million hectolitres
Market share: 12.4%
Market position: 3
The beer market in the Czech Republic was
6 per cent lower, affected by the economic
environment and a significant increase in
excise duties. Heineken increased its market
share to 12.4 per cent. Significant steps were
taken to further rationalise the production
footprint with the closure of two breweries
in 2009. In 2010 the closure of the brewery
in Louny was announced.
Volume of Brau Holding International (BH1),
Heineken's joint venture with the
Schoerghuber Unternehmungsgruppe in
Germany, was lower, mainly due to the
divestment of Karlsberg in 2009. However,
market share of the underlying business
increased slightly. Excluding the
impact of one-off items (mainly of the
Karlsberg impairment in 2008), BHI net
profit increased.
Founded in 1969, Zlaty Bazant is
one of Slovakia's leading domestic
brands and its best-selling export
beer, with important markets
in Canada, the Unites States
and most recently, Sweden,
among others.
Heineken Slovakia's most famous
beer, Zlaty Bazant, underwent an
extensive rebranding in 2009 to
strengthen its position as a modern
premium beer brand that reflects
quality and global success.
As part of these efforts, Zlaty
Bazant's distinctive label design
was redesigned and an ambitious
advertising and sponsorship
campaign was rolled out. This
included a television commercial
to introduce the brand's new
slogan: 'Zlaty Bazant, the world-
class Slovak beer'. Domestically,
the focus of the rebrand was to
instil national pride in a home
grown beer that is internationally
acclaimed. The overall success
of the campaign was reflected in
significant increases in the brand's
market performance score, which
at the end of 2009 had reached a
high of 90 per cent, the highest
level in all Central Eastern
European countries in which
Heineken operates within the
national premium segment.
Brand recognition has also
increased through Zlaty Bazant's
sponsorship of Slovakia's
international Olympic team during
the February 2010 Winter Games
in Vancouver. This sponsorship will
also extend to the Slovak squad
that competes in the London
Summer Olympics in 2012.
"We're delighted with how
successfully we've been able to
communicate the rebranding
message," says Zuzana Putalova,
Group Brand Manager at Heineken
Slovakia. "Slovaks are surrounded
with things from countries all over
the world in their everyday lives,
so they appreciate something that
has world-class quality and
character, but is overwhelmingly
Slovakian, like Zlaty Bazant."
For the third consecutive year,
Zlaty Bazant also brewed a special
beer for the Christmas period. In
2009, it was Zlaty Bazant Porter,
a 19° beer with a dark appearance
and a strong, malty taste and aroma.
It was brewed according to
traditional recipes from four kinds
of malt and selected hops. As a
seasonal specialty, it was
extremely popular in the local
market, attracting a great deal
of public attention and becoming
the subject of much discussion
on internet beer forums. By
introducing limited editions of
beer specialties on a regular basis,
Zlaty Bazant has confirmed its
national leadership position.
Annual Report 2009 - Heineken N.V. 31