Amstel® volume
The Group beer volume of the Amstel brand.
Consolidated beer volume
100 per cent of beer volume produced and sold by
fully consolidated companies excluding the beer
volume brewed and sold by joint venture companies.
Group beer volume
The part of the total Group volume that relates to beer.
Heineken® volume
The Group beer volume of the Heineken brand.
Heineken® volume in premium segment
The Group beer volume of the Heineken brand in the
premium segment (Heineken volume in the
Netherlands is excluded).
Total beer volume
The Group beer volume in a country.
Total Group volume
100 per cent of beer, soft drinks and other beverages
volume produced and sold by fully consolidated
companies and joint-venture companies as well as the
volume of Heineken's brands produced and sold under
licence by third parties.
Weighted average number of shares
Weighted average number of issued shares adjusted
for the weighted average of own shares purchased in
the year.
Weighted average number of basic shares after
adjustment for the effects of all dilutive own shares
Annual Report 2009 - Heineken N.V. 175