36. Heineken entities Other related party transactions Balance outstanding Transaction value as at 31 December In millions of EUR 2009 2008 2009 2008 Sale of products and services To associates and joint ventures 142 50 12 6 142 50 12 6 Raw materials, consumables and services Goods for resale - joint ventures 89 26 1 7 Other expenses - joint ventures 12 1 - 6 101 27 1 13 Heineken Holding N.V. In 2009 an amount of EUR712.129 (2008: EUR551.000) was paid to Heineken Holding N.V. for management services for the Heineken Group. This payment is based on an agreement of 1977 as amended in 2001, providing that Heineken N.V. reimburses Heineken Holding N.V. for its administration costs. Best practice provision III.6.4 of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code of 10 December 2008 has been observed in this regard. Control of Heineken The shares and options of the Company are traded on Euronext Amsterdam, where the Company is included in the main AEX Index. Heineken Holding N.V. Amsterdam has an interest of 50.005 per cent in the issued capital of the Company. The financial statements of the Company are included in the consolidated financial statements of Heineken Holding N.V. A declaration of joint and several liability pursuant to the provisions of Section 403, Part 9, Book 2, of the Dutch Civil Code has been issued with respect to legal entities established in the Netherlands marked with a overleaf. Annual Report 2009 - Heineken N.V.

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2009 | | pagina 141