32. Financial risk management and financial instruments Financial Statements Notes to the consolidated financial statements Cash flow hedges The following table indicates the periods in which the cash flows associated with derivatives that are cash flow hedges, are expected to occur. 2009 In millions of EUR Carrying amount Expected cash flows 6 months or less 6-12 months 1-2 years 2-5 years More than 5 years Interest rate swaps: Assets (17) 503 16 16 27 66 378 Liabilities 226 (740) (65) (78) (80) (163) (354) Forward exchange contracts: Assets (48) 1,015 615 282 118 - - Liabilities 26 (996) (608) (268) (120) - - 187 (218) (42) (48) (55) (97) 24 2008 In millions of EUR Carrying amount Expected cash flows 6 months or less 6-12 months 1-2 years 2-5 years More than 5 years Interest rate swaps: Assets (89) 856 80 64 124 139 449 Liabilities 206 (1,097) (100) (97) (212) (214) (474) Forward exchange contracts: Assets (102) 2,068 1,095 670 303 Liabilities 55 (2,028) (1,056) (677) (295) 70 (201) 19 (40) (80) (75) (25) The periods in which the cash flows associated with forward exchange contracts that are cash flow hedges are expected to impact the income statement is on average two months earlier than the occurrence of the cash flows as in the above table. Fair value hedges/net investment hedges The following table indicates the periods in which the cash flows associated with derivatives that are fair value hedges or net investment hedges are expected to occur. 2009 In millions of EUR Carrying amount Expected cash flows 6 months or less 6-12 months 1-2 years 2-5 years More than 5 years Interest rate swaps: Assets - 987 27 20 61 666 213 Liabilities (212) (1,079) (9) (11) (22) (802) (235) (212) (92) 18 9 39 (136) (22) 2008 In millions of EUR Carrying amount Expected cash flows 6 months or less 6-12 months 1-2 years 2-5 years More than 5 years Interest rate swaps: Assets - 1,106 62 61 47 701 235 Liabilities 167 (1,316) (76) (76) (45) (761) (358) 167 (210) (14) (15) 2 (60) (123) 140 Annual Report 2009 - Heineken N.V.

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