HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2008 Entity acquired Country of incorporation Acquisition date of voting rights as per balance sheet OJSC, Rechitsapivo'1 Belarus ljuly 2008 80.8 Drinks Union a.s. Czech Republic ljuly 2008 98.5 United Serbian Breweries EUC LLC Serbia 12 February 2008 72 Central Europe Beverages B.V. The Netherlands 22 August 2008 72 Bere Mures S.A. Romania 8 April 2008 100 S rra Leone Brewery Ltd. Sierra Leone 23 June 2008 83.1 T. ngo s.a.r.l. Algeria 14 January 2008 100 Société Nouvelle des Boissons Gazeuses S.A. ('SNBG') Tunisia 28 February 2008 49 1Excluding treasury shares (will be cancelled in the course of 2009). The aggregate consideration paid amounts to €548 million. U lited Serbian Breweries EUC LLC (previously known as Brauerei MB) was acquired at 12 February 2008. On 2 August 2008, Heineken contributed United Serbian Breweries EUC LLC into Central Europe Beverages B.V., a ompany previously owned by Efes Breweries International, effectively gaining control over Central Europe B verages B.V. On 30 October 2008 Heineken sold its 100% subsidiary Dinal (Kazakhstan) to Efes Karaganda (a company owned by Efes Breweries International). On the same date Heineken purchased a 28 per cent si are in Efes Karaganda that is further disclosed in note 16. C 130 June 2008 Heineken sold its investment in Brasserie Saint-Omer. T e shareholders agreement of SNBG provides Heineken with de facto control. As such SNBG is classified a a subsidiary. 1 e other acquisitions and disposals had the following effect on Heineken's assets and liabilities on a quisition date: Note Pre- acquisition Fair carrying value amounts adjustments Total other acquisitions Total disposals P tperty, plant equipment 14 243 (48) 195 (35) ingible assets 15 8 22 30 - estments in associates and joint ventures 4 - 4 (11) ner investments 14 (3) 11 (20) ferred tax assets 18 4 9 13 (6) 1 'entories 28 (1) 27 (46) 1 >de and other receivables, prepayments and accrued income 47 4 51 (26) 1 sh and cash equivalents 20 - 20 (13) f' lority interests (46) 10 (36) 1 I ins and borrowings 24 (51) 4 (47) 3 1 iployee benefits (1) - (1) - 1 ferred tax liabilities 18 (7) (7) (14) 7 F ovisions 28 (2) - (2) 2 !ik overdrafts (25) - (25) 16 rrent liabilities (61) (5) (66) 63 1 :t identifiable assets and liabilities 175 (15) 160 (65) odwill on acquisitions 15 388 - C ;nsideration paid/(received), satisfied in cash 548 (65) t bank overdrafts acquired/Net bank overdrafts disposed of 5 (3) :t cash outflow/(inflow) 553 (68) ie fair values of assets and liabilities of some acquisitions have been determined on a provisional basis, and ill be completed in 2009.

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2008 | | pagina 99