EXPLANATORY NOTES to the agenda for the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Heineken N.V., to be held on Thursday 23 April 2009 Item lb: Decision on the appropriation of the balance of the income statement and the distribution of retained earnings. In 2007 a new dividend policy came into force. The new policy reinforces the relation between dividend payment and the annual development of net profit beia and continues to support the intention of Heineken N.V. to preserve its independence, to maintain a healthy financial structure and to retain sufficient earnings in order to grow the business both organically and through acquisitions. The annual dividend payout is 30-35 per cent of net profit beia. The interim dividend is fixed at 40 per cent of the total dividend of the previous year. Within the scope of the dividend policy, it is proposed to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to determine the dividend for the financial year 2008 at €0.62 of which €0.28 was paid as interim dividend on 3 September 2008. The final dividend of €0.34 per share will be made payable on 4 May 2009. The total dividend will amount to €304 million. It is proposed to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to resolve that the part of the dividend exceeding the profit of €209 million, such part amounting to €95 million, will be paid from retained earnings. Item 2: Amendments to the Articles of Association. The proposal to amend the Articles of Association of Heineken N.V. mainly relates to (i) the Act of 29 May 2008 implementing the amendment of the Second EU Directive concerning the incorporation of public companies and the maintenance and changes of their capital (de Wet van 29 mei 2008 inzake implementatie van de wijziging van de 2e EU Richtlijn betreffende de oprichting van naamloze vennootschappen en de instandhouding en wijziging van hun kapitaal), which came into force on 11 June 2008 and (ii) the Act of 25 September 2008 implementing the so- called EU Transparency Directive (de Wet van 25 september 2008 inzake implementatie van de zogenoemde EU Transparantierichtlijn) which came into force on 1 January 2009. According to the Act of 29 May 2008, companies are now permitted (i) to repurchase own shares up to a maximum of 50 per cent of the issued share capital (the maximum used to be 10 per cent of the issued share capital) and (ii) to provide loans to third parties for the purpose of the subscription for or the acquisition of shares in the capital of the company. The provision of such loans is subject to stringent statutory conditions among which the approval of the general meeting of shareholders with a majority of 95 per cent of the votes cast. It is proposed to bring the Articles of Association of Heineken N.V. in line with the above mentioned legislation. The full text with the proposed amendments may be inspected at the company's offices in Amsterdam, where copies can be obtained. The text is also posted on the company's website (www.heinekeninternational.com/agm). The proposal also includes an authorisation to execute the notarial deed of amendment. The amendment of the Articles of Association will come into force upon execution of the notarial deed. Item 3a: Extension and amendment of the authorisation of the Executive Board to acquire own shares. The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on 17 April 2008 last gave an authorisation to the Executive Board to acquire own shares. The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders is now requested to extend and amend the authorisation of the Executive Board. It is proposed that the Executive Board be authorised by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, for the statutory maximum period of 18 months, starting 23 April 2009, to acquire own shares subject to the following conditions and with due observance of the law and the Articles of Association: a. as from the amendment of the Articles of Association referred to in agenda item 2, the maximum number of shares which may be acquired is the statutory maximum of 50 per cent of the issued share capital of the company and until the amendment of the Articles of Association the maximum number of shares which may be acquired remains 10 per cent of the issued share capital of the company; b. transactions must be executed at a price between the nominal value of the shares and 110 per cent of the opening price quoted for the shares in the Official Price List (Officiële Prijscourant) of Euronext Amsterdam on the date of the transaction or, in the absence of such a price, the latest price quoted therein; c. transactions may be executed on the stock exchange or otherwise. The authorisation to acquire own shares may be used in connection with the Long-Term Incentive Plan for the members of the Executive Board and the Long-Term Incentive Plan for senior management, but may also serve other purposes, such as acquisitions.

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2008 | | pagina 8