67 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2008 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2008 2007 Millions of EUR Note 2008 Restated* Revenue 5 14,319 11,245 Other income 8 32 28 Raw materials, consumables and services 9 9,548 7,320 ;onnel expenses 10 2,415 1,951 Amortisation, depreciation and impairments 11 1,206 638 Total expenses 13,169 9,909 Results from operating activities 1,182 1,364 Interest income 12 91 64 Interest expenses 12 (469) (155) Other net finance expenses 12 (107) (4) Net finance expenses (485) (95) S are of profit of associates and joint ventures a d impairments thereof (net of income tax) 16 (102) 54 P ofit before income tax 595 1,323 In ome tax expenses 13 (248) (394) Profit 347 929 A tributable to: E uity holders of the Company (net profit) 22 209 807 t nority interest 22 138 122 P ofit 347 929 ighted average number of shares - basic 23 488,930,340 489,353,315 V ighted average number of shares - diluted 23 489,974,594 489,974,594 E sic earnings per share 23 0.43 1.65 L uted earnings per share 23 0.43 1.65 Refer to change in accounting policies as described in note 3(b).

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2008 | | pagina 69