119 HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2008 28. Provisions Onerous In millions of EUR Restructuring contracts Other Total Balance as at 1 January 2008 171 3 127 301 Changes in consolidation 6 45 72 142 259 Provisions made during the year 148 6 55 209 Provisions used during the year (174) (3) (11) (188) Provisions reversed during the year (6) (3) (39) (48) Effect of movements in exchange rates (7) (13) (22) (42) Unwinding of discounts 3 3 5 11 Balance as at 31 December 2008 180 65 257 502 Non-current 73 56 215 344 Current 107 9 42 158 180 65 257 502 Restructuring The provision for restructuring of €180 million mainly relates to restructuring programmes in France, Spain and the UK. Provisions made during the year are mostly related to Fit2Fight and S&N integration. These restructuring expenses have been included in the personnel expenses (refer to note 10). C'her provisions Included are, amongst others, surety provided €28 million (2007: €23 million), litigations and claims 59 million (2007: €54 million) and environmental provisions €17 million (2007: €17 million). 2Trade and other payables lr millions of EUR Note 2008 2007 1 ade payables due to associates and joint ventures 7 C her trade payables 1,563 1,036 f turnable packaging deposits 427 370 T xation and social security contributions 553 272 D vidend 76 32 1 erest 104 37 C ;rivatives used for hedging 87 21 C her payables 291 177 cruals and deferred income 738 573 30 3,846 2,525

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2008 | | pagina 121