109 HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2008 19. Inventories In millions of EUR20082007 Raw materials 239 118 Work in progress 134 nished products 245 163 joods for resale 261 211 on-returnable packaging 144 100 ther inventories 223 208 1,246 883 During 2008 and 2007 no write-down of inventories to net realisable value was required to be recognised. 20. Trade and other receivables i millions of EUR Note 2008 2007 rade receivables due from associates and joint ventures 60 57 rade receivables 1,890 1,232 )ther receivables 451 391 )erivatives used for hedging 103 89 30 2,504 1,769 12007 the other receivables included a deferred payment in relation to the sale of a brewery site in 2006 in eville, Spain, amounting to €153 million. net impairment loss of €30 million (2007: €10 million) in respect of trade receivables was included in xpenses for raw materials, consumables and services. 1. Cash and cash equivalents millions of EUR Note 2008 2007 ank balances 475 265 all deposits 223 295 ash and cash equivalents 30 698 560 ank overdrafts 24 (94) (251) ash and cash equivalents in the statement of cash flows 604 309

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2008 | | pagina 111