Consolidated income statement Financial statements 65 For the year ended 31 December 2007 In millions of EUR Note 2007 2006 Revenue 5 12,564 11,829 Other income 8 30 379 Raw materials, consumables and services 9 8,162 7,376 Personnel expenses 10 2,165 2,241 Amortisation, depreciation and impairments 11 764 786 Total expenses 11,091 10,403 Results from operating activities 1,503 1,805 Interest income 12 67 52 Interest expenses 12 (168) (185) Other net finance (expenses)/income 12 (26) 11 Net finance expenses (127) (122) Share of profit of associates (net of income tax) 25 27 Profit before income tax 1,401 1,710 Income tax expenses 13 (429) (365) Profit 972 1,345 Attributable to: Equity holders of the Company (net profit) 807 1,211 Minority interest 165 134 P ofit 972 1,345 Weighted average number of shares - basic 23 489,353,315 489,712,594 Weighted average number of shares - diluted 23 489,974,594 489,974,594 Basic earnings per share 23 1.65 2.47 Diluted earnings per share 23 1.65 2.47 Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2007

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2007 | | pagina 63