59 Independence With regard to the independence of the Supervisory Board members, reference is made to the best practice provision 111.2.2 of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code as contained in the 'Comply or Explain' report of 21 February 2005 (see page 52). C ommittees The Supervisory Board has four committees, t ie Preparatory Committee, the Audit Committee, t ie Selection Appointment Committee and the Remuneration Committee. F eparatory Committee Composition: Messrs. Van Lede (Chairman), Cas and de Carvalho. 1 ie Preparatory Committee met eight times. 1 ie committee prepares decision-making by t e Supervisory Board. idit Committee C imposition: Messrs. De Jong (Chairman), Hessels c id Mrs. Fentener van Vlissingen. 1 ie members collectively have the experience id financial expertise to supervise the financial s atements and the risk profile of Fleineken N.V. 1 ie Audit Committee met three times to discuss r gular topics, such as the annual and interim f ïancial statements, risk management, the iequacy of internal control policies and internal idit programmes, the external audit scope, c iproach and fees, as well as reports from both t e internal and external audits. ie Audit Committee also reviewed the hievement of targets for the annual bonus f rthe Executive Board and Senior Management id decided on the procedure for the assessment c the external auditor, in view of the re- ipointment. The CEO and the CFO attended all t e meetings, as well as the external auditor, the rector Group Control Accounting and the C oup Internal Auditor. The external auditor was appointed in the Annual General Meeting of 2003 for a five-year period. In 2007 an assessment was made, following a thorough review in 2005. The Audit Committee recommended to the Supervisory Board to re-appoint KPMG Accountants N.V. as the external auditors for Heineken N.V. for a further period of four years. The Supervisory Board will submit the recommendation for approval to the shareholders in the Annual General meeting of Shareholders on 17 April 2008. Selection Appointment Committee Composition: Messrs. Van Lede (Chairman), Das, de Carvalho and Lord MacLaurin. The Selection Appointment Committee met once. In this meeting the composition and the rotation schedule of the Supervisory Board were discussed. Remuneration Committee Composition: Messrs. Das (Chairman), Van Lede and de Carvalho. The Remuneration Committee met three times. The Remuneration Committee discussed the target setting and payout levels for the annual bonus and the long-term incentive plan for the Executive Board (Heineken N.V. shares). Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2007

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2007 | | pagina 57