43 operations (based on revenue) worked in accordance with the evolving Heineken Common System. Best practice key control frameworks, to ensure the integrity of the information processing in supporting the day-to-day transactions and financial and management reporting, are imbedded and used for continuous controls ïonitoring and improvements. ode of Business Conduct and Whistle-blowing ocal Codes of Business Conduct and whistle- 'owing procedures have been implemented -oup-wide based on Group policies applicable majority-owned subsidiaries. On Group level ontinuous awareness building is supported and /ersees the functioning of the Code. The Integrity ommittee oversees the functioning of whistle- lowing and issued two reports to the Executive oard and Audit Committee in the year under aview on effectiveness of the procedure and aported cases. jpervision he Executive Board oversees the adequacy id functioning of the entire system of risk anagement and internal control, assisted Group departments. Group Internal Audit ovides independent assurance on the entire sk management and internal control system, ne Assurance Meetings, at local and regional vel, oversee the adequacy and operating fectiveness of the risk management and internal ontrol systems in their respective environments, egional Management and Group Internal udit participate in the local meetings to ensure fective dialogue and transparency. The outcome id effectiveness of the risk management and ternal control systems have been discussed with ie Audit Committee. nancial reporting ie risk management and control system over nancial reporting contains clear accounting rules nd a standard chart of accounts. The Heineken ommon systems, as implemented in almost all iajority-owned subsidiaries in terms of revenue, support common accounting and regular financial reporting in standard forms. In 2007, the testing of key controls relevant for financial reporting were added to the Common Internal Audit Approach. The worldwide external audit activities - which are based on local statutory requirements, and therefore more detailed than necessary for the audit of the Heineken N.V. consolidated figures - provide additional assurance on fair presentation of financial reporting on operating company level. Within the parameters of their financial audit assignment, external auditors also report on internal control issues through their management letters and attend local and regional Assurance Meetings. Considering Heineken's risk management and control system described in this section, the financial reporting is adequately designed and worked effectively in the year under review in providing reasonable assurance that the 2007 financial statements do not contain any material inaccuracies. There are no indications that the risk management and control systems relating to financial reporting will not work properly in the current year. This statement cannot be construed as a statement in accordance with the requirements of Section 404 of the US Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which is not applicable to Heineken N.V. Main risks Under the explicit understanding that this is not an exhaustive list, Heineken's main risks are described below. It includes mitigation measures and where possible quantifying the potential impact. Risks concerning the Heineken brand and Company reputation, rising input costs and increasing legislation (like alcohol, excise duties and anti-trust) affecting the business, are considered the most significant risks. The main Company risks have been discussed with the full Supervisory Board. Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2007

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2007 | | pagina 41