Movement in temporary differences during the year In millions of EUR Balance 1 January 2006 Changes in consolidation Effect of movements in foreign exchange Recognised in income Recognised in equity Balance 31 December 2006 Property, plant equipment (360) (3) 9 (13) 1 (366) Intangible assets (15) 6 47 38 Investments 14 (6) (1) 7 Inventories 9 (1) 2 10 Loans and borrowings 3 (6) (3) Employee benefits 139 (1) (3) 135 Provisions 60 19 (1) 78 Other items 24 (7) 1 9 (13) 14 Tax losses carry-forwards 19 (1) (7) 11 (107) (10) 7 48 (14) (76) In millions of EUR Balance 1 January 2007 Changes in consolidation Effect of movements in foreign exchange Recognised in income Recognised in equity Balance 31 December 2007 Property, plant equipment (366) (4) 7 (4) - (367) Intangible assets 38 (9) - (9) - 20 Investments 7 - (6) - 1 Inventories 10 1 - 4 - 15 Loans and borrowings (3) 1 3 - - 1 Employee benefits 135 (1) - (21) - 113 Provisions 78 (5) - (21) - 52 Other items 14 - (3) - (5) 6 Tax losses carry-forwards 11 - - 6 - 17 (76) (17) 7 (51) (5) (142) Inventories 2007 2006 F w materials 168 131 V ork in progress 92 86 F ïished products 188 226 Goods for resale 221 162 f on-returnable packaging 108 85 her inventories 230 203 1,007 893 li millions of EUR 1 ventories measured at net realisable value 101 I 2007 the write-down of inventories to net realisable value amounted to €12 million (2006: €8 million). >e write-downs are included in expenses for raw materials, consumables and services. Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2007

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