Financial Statements Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued 9. Personnel expenses In millions of EUR 2006 2005 Wages and salaries 1,490 1,413 Compulsory social security contributions 249 251 Contributions to defined contribution plans 10 13 Expenses related to the increase in liability defined benefit plans 100 96 Increase in other long-term employee benefits 10 11 Share-based payment plan 4 Other personnel expenses 378 396 2,241 2,180 The average number of employees during the year was: 2006 2005 The Netherlands 4,315 4,541 Other Western Europe 12,080 12,831 Central and Eastern Europe 20,220 18,211 The Americas 1,785 1,827 Africa and Middle East 11,504 11,897 Asia Pacific 1,035 1,050 Heineken N.V. and subsidiaries 50,939 50,357 Central and Eastern Europe 5,061 4,824 The Americas 4,323 4,069 Africa and Middle East 659 630 Asia Pacific 4,666 4,425 Joint ventures3 14,709 13,948 Average number of joint venture employees pro rata 6,618 6,241 57,557 56,598 3 Employees of joint ventures are stated at 100%. 10. Amortisation, depreciation and impairments In millions of EUR 2006 2005 Property, plant equipment 739 716 Intangible assets 47 52 Total 786 768 11. Other net finance income In millions of EUR 2006 2005 Impairment investments - (6) Dividend income 13 13 Exchange rate differences (16) 19 Other 14 (1) 11 25 Qrt Heineken N.V. 22\J Annual Report 2006

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2006 | | pagina 93