Consolidated statement of cash flows Financial Statements cont ued For the year ended 31 December 2006 In millions of EUR Note 2006 2005 Operating activities Profit 1,345 869 Adjustments for: Depreciation, amortisation and impairments 10 786 768 Net interest expenses 133 139 Gain on sale of property, plant equipment, intangible assets and subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates 7 (379) (63) Investment income and share of profit of associates (40) (42) Income tax expense 12 365 300 Other non-cash items 285 368 Cash flow from operations before changes in working capital and provisions 2,495 2,339 Change in inventories (50) (18) Change in trade and other receivables 46 (76) Change in trade and other payables 102 208 Total change in working capital 98 114 Change in provisions and employee benefits (211) (240) Cash flow from operations 2,382 2,213 Interest paid received (138) (141) Dividend received 13 20 Income taxes paid (408) (220) Cash flow used for interest, dividend and income tax (533) (341) Cash flow from operating activities 1,849 1,872 Investing activities Proceeds from sale of property, plant equipment and intangible assets 182 161 Purchase of property, plant equipment 13 (844) (853) Purchase of intangible assets 14 (33) (21) Loans and advances issued to customers and other investments (166) (152) Repayment on loans and advances to customers 134 131 Cash flow used in operational investing activities (727) (734) Acquisition of subsidiaries, joint ventures, minority interests and associates, net of cash acquired (113) (730) Disposal of subsidiaries, joint ventures, minority interests and associates, net of cash disposed 41 270 Cash flow used for acquisitions and disposals (72) (460) Cash flow used in investing activities (799) (1,194) TOHe\neker\ N.V. Annual Report 2006

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2006 | | pagina 73