Report of the Supervisory Board Remuneration report Remuneration Supervisory Board The amounts paid to the members of the Supervisory Board are stated on page 112 of the financial statements. These amounts came into force as per 2006. Shares held by the Supervisory Board As at 31 December 2006, one of the Supervisory Board members holds 8 shares in Heineken N.V. The other Supervisory Board members do not hold any of the Company's shares, convertible bonds or option rights. Three Supervisory Board members together held 9,508 shares of Heineken Holding N.V. as at 31 December 2006. Remuneration policy as from 2007 A proposal will be submitted to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to revise the remuneration policy, such revision to have effect as from 2007. The amended remuneration policy reflects the organisational structure and the strategic ambitions. The proposed changes in the policy are: Base salary The CEO will be paid at market median of the labour market peer group. In 2005 and 2006 the CEO was paid 30 per cent above the level of the other Executive Board members. There is no change to the median pay policy for the other members of the Executive Board. This represents €750,000 for the CEO and €550,000 for the CFO. Annual bonus and long-term incentive In practice the median of the labour market peer group has moved towards greater variable pay. For 2007 this will be reflected in the increase of target annual bonus and target long-term incentive for the CEO from 62 per cent to 100 per cent and for the CFO from 62 per cent to 75 per cent. The maximum annual bonus will change from 1.4 times target annual bonus to 1.5 times target annual bonus, in line with the figures for the long- term incentive plan. The effect of the variable compensation changes is to make the package more performance sensitive. In 2005, at target level, base salary accounted for 45 per cent of the CEO's remuneration package. In the revised policy (as from 2007) it will account for only 33 per cent. For the CFO the figures are 45 per cent and 40 per cent respectively. The value of performance shares at target level is equivalent to 100 per cent of base salary for the CEO, and 75 per cent for the CFO. Based on the share price as per 31 December 2006 of €36.03 this corresponds at target level to 20,816 performance shares for the CEO and 11,449 performance shares for the CFO. These will vest, subject to the fulfilment of the performance conditions in 2010. Peer group The labour market peer group will be adjusted. Philips N.V. replaces VNU as the change in ownership of VNU renders the inclusion in Heineken's labour market peer group no longer appropriate. Philips is the most suitable company to replace VNU. Pensions As from 2006 a new pension policy has been introduced for current and future members of the Executive Board, reflecting the Netherlands market and Netherlands legislative changes. The arrangements are based on the principle of defined contribution. The policy aims to provide for a secure income after retirement. Executive Board members can choose to participate in the Defined Contribution Plan or to allocate, within the fiscal rules, the amounts into a Capital Creation option. In the Defined Contribution Plan, apart from the survivor's pension, a separate lump sum of two times base salary will be paid in the event of death whilst in service. In the Capital Creation option the Executive Board member may elect to receive as income the Defined Contribution premium amounts from the pension scheme, less an amount equivalent to the employee contribution. Instead of a survivor's pension, a lump sum of, depending on age, ten, C/\ Heineken N.V. DM-Annual Report 2006

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2006 | | pagina 67