and 110 per cent of the opening price quoted for the shares in the Official Price List (Officiële Prijscourant) of Euronext Amsterdam on the date of the repurchase transaction or, in the absence of such a price, the latest price quoted therein; c. repurchase transactions may be executed on the stock exchange or otherwise. Tl e authorisation to repurchase shares may be used mainly in connection with the share-based long-term incentive plans for both the Executive B 3rd members and senior management, but may a a serve other purposes, such as in connection v h acquisitions. A further renewal of the a horisation will be submitted for approval to the G neral Meeting of Shareholders of 19 April 2007. There are no agreements of Heineken N.V. with Executive Board members or other employees that entitle them to any compensation rights upon termination of their employment after completion of a public offer on Heineken N.V. shares. 0 20 April 2005, the General Meeting of S areholders also authorised the Executive Board (v aich authorisation was renewed on 20 April 2 06 for a period of 18 months) to issue (rights) t shares and to restrict or exclude shareholders' p emption rights, with due observance of the 1 and Articles of Association (which require approval of the Supervisory Board). The horisation is limited to 10 per cent of Heineken .'s issued share capital, as per the date of issue. authorisation may be used in connection h share-based long-term incentive plans for h the Executive Board members and senior nagement, but may also serve other purposes, h as in connection with acquisitions. A further ewal of the authorisation will be submitted for oroval to the General Meeting of Shareholders 19 April 2007. ire are no important agreements to which neken N.V. is a party and that will come into f ce, be amended or be terminated under the c idition of a change of control over Heineken f as a result of a public offer. Heineken N.V. C7 Annual Report 2006 O I

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2006 | | pagina 60