Results In millions of EUR 2006 2005 Change Result from operating activities 1,805 1,254 44.0 Share of profit of associates 27 29 (6.9) EBIT 1,832 1,283 42.7 Net finance expenses (122) (114) 7.0 Profit before tax 1,710 1,169 46.2 Income tax expense (365) (300) 21.7 Profit 1,345 869 54.8 Minority interests (134) (108) 23.2 t profit 1,211 761 59.1 sh flow millions of EUR 2006 2005 sh flow from operating activities 1,849 1,872 ish flow from investing activities (799) (1,194) sh flow from financing activities (649) (592) 401 86 sh flow and investments sh flow from operating activities decreased by €23 million to €1,849 million in 2006, as the bstantially increased profit was more than offset by higher income taxes paid. These higher taxes ~e due to a refund of €70 million taxes in 2005. iT performance llions of EUR Property, plant equipment, investments and depreciation In millions of EUR 703 850 980 1,170 1,330 1,323 ■I 1,369 1,283 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 ■■■■1 696 Investments 4gl Depreciation 611 560 719 615 705 853 844 1,832 706 Heineken N.V. CQ Annual Report 2006 OO

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2006 | | pagina 56