Shareholder information Investor Relations Heineken takes a proactive role in maintaining an open dialogue with shareholders and bondholders, providing accurate and complete information in a timely and consistent way. We do this through press releases, the annual report, presentations, webcasts, regular briefings and open days with analysts, fund managers and shareholders. O/vnership structure Standing at the head of the Heineken Group, Haineken Holding N.V. is no ordinary holding company. Since its formation in 1952, the o )jective of Heineken Holding N.V., pursuant to its A "tides of Association has been to manage and/ o supervise the Heineken Group and to provide s< rvices to the Heineken Group. The role Haineken Holding N.V. has performed for the Haineken Group since 1952 has been to safeguard it; continuity, independence and stability and ci eate conditions for controlled, steady growth of tl e activities of the Heineken Group. This stability h is enabled the Heineken Group to rise to its p esent position as the brewer with the widest irternational presence and one of the world's largest brewing groups. Every Heineken N.V. share h aid by Heineken Holding N.V. is matched by one si are issued by Heineken Holding N.V. The net a set value of one Heineken Holding N.V. share is tl erefore identical to the net asset value of one Haineken N.V. share. The dividend payable on the two shares is also identical. Historically, however, Haineken Holding N.V. shares have traded at a Ic wer price due to technical factors that are n arket-specific. S lares and options H aineken N.V. E aineken N.V. shares are traded on Euronext A nsterdam, where the Company is included ir the main AEX Index. Prices for the ordinary s lares may be accessed on Bloomberg under the s mbols HEIA NA and HEIO NA and on the Reuters E luities 2000 Service under HEIA.AS and HEHN. A5. The ISIN code is NL0000009165. Options on haineken N.V. shares are listed on Euronext.Liffe. Additional information is available on the website: In 2006, the average daily volume of trade was 1,608,718 shares. Heineken N.V. is not a 'structuurvennootschap' within the meaning of the Netherlands Civil Code. Consequently, decisions on all important matters are taken by the General Meeting of Shareholders. Right to add agenda items Shareholders who, alone or together, represent at least 1 per cent of Heineken N.V.'s issued capital or hold shares with a market value of €50 million have the right to request items to be placed on the agenda of the General Meeting of Shareholders. Requests to place items on the agenda must be received by Heineken N.V. at least 60 days before the date of the General Meeting of Shareholders. Heineken N.V. reserves the right to refuse to place an item on the agenda if its inclusion would be contrary to the Company's material interest. Market capitalisation On 29 December 2006, there were 489,974,594 shares of €1.60 nominal value in issue. At a year- end price of €36.03 on 29 December 2006, the market capitalisation of Heineken N.V. on balance sheet date was €17.7 billion. Year-end price €36.03 High €37.89 Low €26.76 29 December 2006 21 November 2006 6 January 2006 Heineken N.V. 4 QC Annual Report 2006 .L^O

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2006 | | pagina 128