Financial Statements Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued 30. Financial instruments Fair values The fair values of financial instruments, together with their carrying amounts are shown below: Carrying Fair Carrying Fair amount value amount value In millions of EUR 2006 2006 2005 2005 Field to maturity investments 583 583 481 481 Available-for-sale investments 202 202 165 165 Investments at fair value through profit or loss 12 12 23 23 Trade and other receivables excluding derivatives 1,869 1,869 1,776 1,776 Cash and cash equivalents 1,466 1,466 580 580 Interest rate swaps (cash flow hedges): Assets 1 1 2 2 Liabilities (3) (3) (8) (8) Forward exchange contracts (cash flow hedges): Assets 47 47 4 4 Liabilities (6) (6) (44) (44) Forward rate agreements Assets - - 5 5 Liabilities (1) (1) (10) (10) Unsecured bond loans (1,343) (1,374) (1,344) (1,415) Bank loans (893) (877) (1,252) (1,258) Deposits from third parties and other current liabilities (309) (325) (300) (302) Finance lease liabilities (7) (7) (8) (8) Non-current non-interest bearing liabilities (33) (31) (38) (40) Trade and other payables excluding dividend, interest and derivatives (2,421) (2,421) (2,317) (2,317) (836) (866) (2,285) (2,366) Unrecognised losses 30 81 The methods used in determining the fair values of financial instruments are discussed in note 4. 31. Off balance sheet commitments Less than 1-5 More than Total In millions of EUR Total 1 Year Years 5 Years 2005 Guarantees to banks for loans (by third parties) 398 193 124 81 353 Other guarantees 116 30 67 19 65 Total guarantees 514 223 191 100 418 Lease operational lease commitments 242 38 139 65 172 Property, plant equipment ordered 127 127 173 Raw material purchase contracts 610 117 185 308 227 Other off-balance sheet obligations 267 64 156 47 385 Off-balance sheet obligations 1,246 346 480 420 957 Committed bank facilities 2,411 211 200 2,000 2,341 Fleineken leases buildings, cars and equipment. 1 1 O Fleineken N.V. IXU Annual Report 2006

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Jaarverslagen | 2006 | | pagina 113