26. Employee benefits In millions of EUR 2006 2005 Present value of unfunded obligations 309 291 Present value of funded obligations 2,734 2,830 Total present value of obligations 3,043 3,121 Fair value of plan assets (2,397) (2,268) Present value of net obligations 646 853 Less: Unrecognised actuarial losses (78) (285) Recognised liability for defined benefit obligations 568 568 Other long-term employee benefits 97 96 665 664 Plan assets consist of the following: In millions of EUR 2006 2005 Equity securities 968 937 Government bonds 955 867 Properties and real estate 199 177 0 her plan assets 275 287 2,397 2,268 Li bility for defined benefit obligations H ineken makes contributions to a number of defined benefit plans that provide pension benefits for ei ployees upon retirement in a number of countries being mainly: the Netherlands, Greece, Austria, G rmany, Italy, France, Spain and Nigeria. In other countries the pension plans are defined contribution p ns and/or similar arrangements for employees. 0 ler long-term employee benefits mainly relate to long-term bonus plans, termination benefits a d jubilee benefits. k vements in the liability for defined benefit obligations In lillions of EUR 2006 2005 N t liability at 1 January 568 634 C anges in consolidation and reclassification (1) (29) E ect of movements in exchange rates (2) 5 B nefits paid (97) (138) E oense recognised in the income statement 100 96 N t liability at 31 December 568 568 f vements in plan assets lr lillions of EUR 2006 2005 F r value of plan assets at 1 January 2,268 2,250 E ect of movements in exchange rates (3) (1) C ntributions paid into the plan 111 44 B nefits paid (97) (138) E pected return on plan assets 118 113 F r value of plan assets at 31 December 2,397 2,268 Heineken N.V. A /"\Q Annual Report 2006 .LVJO

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2006 | | pagina 106