22. Total equity Equity attribu table to equity Trans Other Fair Reserve holders Share lation legal Hedging value for own Retained of the Minority Total In millions of EUR capital reserve reserves reserve reserve shares earnings Company interests equity Balance at 1 January 2005 784 5 349 - - - 2,118 3,256 477 3,733 Total recognised income and expense6 143 25 (21) 49 - (48) 148 58 206 Profit - - 80 - - - 681 761 108 869 Transfer to retained earnings - (62) - 62 - Dividends to shareholders - (196) (196) (86) (282) Purchase minority shares - (1) (1) Changes in consolidation - - (11) (11) B; ance at 3: December 2005 784 148 392 (21) 49 - 2,617 3,969 545 4,514 B; ance at 1 January 2006 784 148 392 (21) 49 - 2,617 3,969 545 4,514 Tc al recognised in ome and expense (52) (6) 49 48 - (4) 35 (31) 4 Pr >fit - 110 1,101 1,211 134 1,345 Tr nsfer to retained earnings - (37) - - 37 - - - Di idends to shareholders - - - (196) (196) (101) (297) Pt chase minority shares - - - - - - (30) (30) Pi chase own shares - - - (14) - (14) - (14) Sf tred based payments - 4 4 4 CI tnges in consolidation (6) (6) B; ance at 3: December 2006 784 96 459 28 97 (14) 3,559 5,009 511 5,520 1 luded is the effect of the change in accounting policy as of 1 January 2005 due to the application of IAS 32/39 a tounting to €44 million. SI re capital Ordinary shares In llions of EUR 2006 2005 0 issue at 1 January 784 784 Is led for cash - - 0 issue at 31 December 784 784 A 31 December 2006 the issued share capital comprised 489,974,594 ordinary shares (2005: 4; 974,594). The ordinary shares have a par value of €1.60. All issued shares are fully paid. Ti holders of ordinary shares are entitled to receive dividends as declared from time to time and are et itled to one vote per share at meetings of the Company. In respect of the Company's shares that are h< d by Heineken (see below), rights are suspended. Heineken N.V. QQ Annual Report 2006

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2006 | | pagina 102