Movement in temporary differences during the year In millions of EUR Balance 1 January 2005 Changes in consolidation Effect of movements in foreign exchange Recognised in income Recognised in equity Balance 31 December 2005 Property, plant equipment (341) (18) (16) 15 (360) Intangible assets (18) 6 - (3) - (15) Investments 5 - - 4 5 14 Inventories 11 1 (3) - 9 Loans and borrowings 1 - - 2 3 Employee benefits 157 1 - (19) - 139 Provisions 51 2 7 60 Other items (3) 1 (2) 17 11 24 Tax losses carry-forwards 22 - 2 (6) 1 19 (115) (10) (13) 12 19 (107) In millions of EUR Balance 1 January 2006 Changes in consolidation Effect of movements in foreign exchange Recognised income Recognised in equity Balance 31 December 2006 Pr perty, plant equipment (360) (3) 9 (13) 1 (366) Intangible assets (15) 6 - 47 38 Investments 14 - (6) (1) 7 Inventories 9 - (1) 2 10 Lc ns and borrowings 3 (6) - - - (3) Err ployee benefits 139 - (1) (3) - 135 Pr visions 60 - - 19 (1) 78 Ot er items 24 (7) 1 9 (13) 14 Ta losses carry-forwards 19 (1) (7) 11 (107) (10) 7 48 (14) (76) 18 Inventories In illions of EUR 2006 2005 Ra v materials 131 147 Wi rk in progress 86 83 Fir shed products 226 191 G< )ds for resale 162 172 Nc vreturnable packaging 85 83 0 er inventories 203 207 893 883 In IlionsofEUR 2006 2005 In antories measured at fair value less costs to sell 97 In 006 the write-down of inventories to net realisable value amounted to €8 million (2005: €12 million), Tl write-downs are included in expenses for raw materials, consumables and services. Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2006

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Jaarverslagen | 2006 | | pagina 100