Net interest-bearing debt position 2005 2004 Long-term borrowings 2,195 2,615 Bank overdrafts 351 517 Current portion of long-term borrowings 409 146 Deposits from third parties and other short-term interest bearing debt 300 283 3,255 3,561 Cash and current investments (608) (704) 2,647 2,857 2 Employee benefits 2005 P: esent value of unfunded obligations 291 422 Pi esent value of funded obligations 2,830 2,176 F. ir value of plan assets (2,268) (1,843) P esent value of net obligations 853 755 L ss: Unrecognised actuarial losses (285) (121) R cognised liability for defined benefit obligations 568 634 0 her long-term employee benefits 96 46 664 680 L bility for defined benefit obligations H ineken makes contributions to a number of defined benefit plans that provide pension benefits fc employees upon retirement in a number of countries being mainly: Netherlands, Greece, Austria, G rmany, Italy, France, Spain and Nigeria. In other countries the pension plans are defined contribution p ans and/or similar arrangements for employees. C her long-term employee benefits mainly relate to long-term bonus plans, termination benefits and ji oilee benefits. I vements in the net liability for defined benefit obligations recognised in the balance sheet ions of EUR 2005 M t liability at 1 January 634 661 C anges in consolidation and reclassification (29) E ect of movements in foreign exchange 5 C ntributions paid (138) (123) E pense recognised in the income statement 96 96 568 634 E oense recognised in the income statement 2005 C irrent service costs 82 80 It erest on obligation 131 132 E pected return on plan assets (112) (106) E ect of any curtailment or settlement (5) (10) 96 96 Heineken N.V. - Annual Report 2005

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2005 | | pagina 99