90. fote continued 14. Trade and other receivables In millions of EUR 2005 2004 Trade receivables due from associates and joint ventures 29 24 Trade receivables 1,435 1,285 Other amounts receivable 218 190 Fair value derivatives 11 - Prepayments and accrued income 94 147 1,787 1,646 15. Cash and cash equivalents llions of EUR 2005 2004 Bank balances 354 308 Call deposits 231 370 Cash and cash equivalents 585 678 Bank overdrafts (351) (517) Cash and cash equivalents in the statement of cash flows 234 161 16. Total equity Issued Trans lation Legal Hedging and fair value Revaluation Total equity attributable to equity Retained holders of Minority Total In millions of EUR capital reserve earnings the parent equity Balance at 1 January 2004 784 114 398 1,684 2,980 728 3,708 Effect transition to IFRS 180 (398) 20 (198) 52 (146) Balance at 1 January 2004 according to IFRS 784 - 294 - - 1,704 2,782 780 3,562 Net income recognised directly in equity1 5 3 (3) 5 4 9 Profit - 80 562 642 91 733 Transfer to retained earnings (28) 28 - Dividends to shareholders (173) (173) (63) (236) Shares issued (2) (2) Changes in consolidation (333) (333) Balance at 31 December 2004 784 5 349 2,118 3,256 477 3,733 Net income recognised directly in equity1 - 143 25 28 (48) 148 58 206 Profit 80 681 761 108 869 Transfer to retained earnings (62) 62 - Dividends to shareholders (196) (196) (86) (282) Shares issued (1) (1) Changes in consolidation (11) (11) Balance at 31 December 2005 784 148 392 28 2,617 3,969 545 4,514 Net income recognised in equity is explained in the Consolidated statement of recognised income and expense on page 62 Heineken N.V. - Annual Report 2005

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