83. 4. Personnel expenses In millions of EUR 2005 2004 Wages and salaries 1,413 1,331 Contributions to defined contribution plans 13 15 Increase in liability defined benefit plans 96 96 Increase in other long-term employee benefits 11 10 Compulsory social security contributions 251 259 Other personnel expenses 396 246 2,180 1,957 7 ie average number of employees during the year was: 2005 2004 Netherlands 4,541 4,885 0 her Western Europe 12,831 13,583 Central/Eastern Europe 18,211 17,233 T ie Americas 1,827 1,760 A rica/Middle East 11,897 10,982 A ia/Pacific 1,050 1,024 t ineken N.V. and subsidiaries 50,357 49,467 C her Western Europe C ntral/Eastern Europe 4,824 4,037 T e Americas 4,069 3,846 A rica/Middle East 630 583 A ia/Pacific 4,425 3,799 J nt ventures 13,948 12,265 64,305 61,732 5 Amortisation and depreciation 2005 2004 P operty, plant equipment 658 618 Ir angible assets 52 38 tal 710 656 6 Other net financing income/(expense) 2005 2004 Ir pairment investments (6) (190) D vidend income 13 11 E change rate differences 19 (4) C her financing income/(expense) (1) 18 25 (165) e impairment of other investments in 2004 relates to Cervejarias Kaiser S.A., Brasil. Heineken N.V. - Annual Report 2005

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2005 | | pagina 89