Dutch legislative changes. The arrangements will be based on the principle of defined contribution. The retirement age is 65, but individual Executive Board members may retire earlier with a reduced level of benefit. Contribution rates are designed to enable an Executive Board member to retire from the company at the age of 62 with a benefit that represents about 62 percent of pre-retirement base salary. Given the age profile of the current Executive Board members financing has been put in place to allow retirement for current Executive Board members at age 60 with 60 percent of base salary, whilst maintaining the underlying principle of 62 percent at age 62. S ares A at 31 December 2005, the members of the E ecutive Board did not hold any of the Company's si ares, convertible bonds or option rights. One of the Executive Board members held 790 shares of H ineken Holding N.V. as at 31 December 2005. reements for early retirement of Executive Board n 'mbers P r 1 October 2005 Mr. Ruys resigned as Chairman o the Executive Board. Mr. Ruys remains employed Ui til 20 April 2006. He will reach the pensionable a e under the prevailing pension scheme on 1 July 2 07. The pensionable salary is to be increased with inflation correction with retroactive effect since 1 January 1999 up to and including 1 January 2007. Mr. Ruys shall be entitled to a monthly salary over the period from 1 October 2005 up to 20 April 2006, as well as thereafter, a monthly amount by way of severance arrangement over the period between 20 April 2006 up to 1 July 2007 equal to one twelfth of €634,000 (adjusted for inflation). In addition, but only in respect of the financial years 2005 and 2006 Mr. Ruys shall receive an annual bonus related to dividend distribution. The annual bonus 2005 amounts to €618,000. The calculation of the annual bonus 2006 will be done pro rata to the number of months in service. Mr. Ruys shall also be entitled to a long-term bonus related to actual net profit in the financial years 2004, 2005 and 2006. The calculation of the long- term bonus will be done pro rata to the number of months in service. The annual bonuses in respect of the financial years 2004, 2005 and 2006 are deducted from the figure calculated on this basis, but this cannot lead to a negative amount. Mr. Büche resigned as member of the Executive Board per 1 October 2005. Mr. Büche remains employed with Brau Union AG until 31 December 2006. Mr. Büche will reach the pensionable age under the prevailing pension scheme of Brau Union AG on 31 December 2006. In October-December Heineken N.V. - Annual Report 2005

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2005 | | pagina 65