52. Financial review continued Operating profit and net profit In millions of EUR Operating profit Net profit 2004 1,348 642 Organic growth 26 59 First-time consolidations 25 5 Foreign exchange effects (48) (27) Impairment Cervejarias Kaiser (2004) 190 Bookgain Whitbread (2004) (17) Exceptional tax gain (2004) (20) Restructuring costs treated as exceptional items (102) (71) 2005 1,249 761 Operating profit and net profit In millions of EUR 2005 2004 Operating profit 1,249 1,348 (7.3) Share of profit of associates 34 21 61.9 Net financing expenses (114) (330) (65.5) Profit before tax 1,169 1,039 12.5 Income tax expense (300) (306) (2.0) Profit 869 733 18.6 Minority interests (108) (91) 18.7 Net profit 761 642 18.5 Total operating expenses rose 9.6 percent to €9,547 million, with first-time consolidations adding 4.9 percent to operating expenses. Total operating expenses increased also due to higher exchange rates for several currencies, of which the most significant appreciations versus the Euro were the Polish Zloty and Nigerian Naira, partly offset by a depreciation of the US Dollar. Impact of exchange rates added 1.2 percent to operating expenses or €107 million, while the increasing impact on revenue amounted only €59 million as the relative share of the US Dollar in revenue is higher than in operating expenses. Personnel expenses on a like-for-like basis increased by 2.7 percent. This is excluding the exceptional item of €102 million restructuring charges. Marketing and selling costs increased organically by 8.8 percent reflecting our marketing investments in 2005 in various markets. Energy costs are organically 14.5 percent higher than last year reflecting the increased fuel prices. Finally, the increase amortisation charges reflect the impairment of goodwill recognised in 2005 for an amount of €14 million. Heineken N.V. - Annual Report 2005

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2005 | | pagina 58