45. 2005 the average number employees increased from ,732 to 64,305. At Group level we give the regions the relevant tools they need for superior execution: brand support, research and development. Everything we do is focused on creating the means to translate technical innovations into top-line growth. P rsonnel and organisation In 2005, we initiated substantial change, including implementing a new top - management and regional structure and installing new management. These changes, along with the continuing drive towards cost and operational efficiency led to s ;nificant changes for the personnel of Heineken. 2005 the average number of employees i Teased from 61,732 to 64,305 on balance. ich of the activity in the area of personnel a i Human Resources centred on our agenda creating a high-performance organisation. compensation and benefit policy has been r /iewed and amended. September we announced a new senior manager /ard policy to become effective in 2006. have also strengthened our senior management i iew and appraisal systems. We have made progress in terms of health and safety procedures. And we are also working to upgrade our information systems to provide more transparency across the organisation and allow us to share Human Resources information between regional structures. This is especially important for identifying potential high-performing individuals so we can develop these people across all functional disciplines. During the last few years we have improved systems and processes related to Human Resources, but going forward we will place even more emphasis on strengthening the culture of Heineken. We are working on being better at listening to employees and to be a place where our employees can fulfil their career ambitions. In 2006 we will work to benchmark our performance, both externally and internally, between business units and support functions. Another top priority for Human Resources in 2006 will be the strengthening of programmes to aid the numerous expatriated employees throughout our organisation. Geographical distribution of personnel In numbers Western Europe (of which in the Netherlands) Central and Eastern Europe Americas Africa and the Middle East Asia Pacific Heineken N.V. - Annual Report 2005

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2005 | | pagina 51