109. Reconciliation of total equity attributable to equity holders of the parent In millions of EUR Dutch GAAP as of 1 January 2004 2,980 I npact IFRS (net of taxes) Property, plant equipment (244) Inventories (5) Other 6 Deferred tax assets45 I :RS 1 January 20042,782 In millions of EUR i utch GAAP as of 1 January 2005 3,379 I npact IFRS (net of taxes) Property, plant equipment (277) Inventories (5) Other 9 Deferred tax assets 45 Profit105 RS as of 1 January 2005 3,256 econciliation consolidated income statement 2004 millions of EUR Dutch GAAP IFRS adjustments (unaudited) IFRS (unaudited) evenue 10,005 57 10,062 aw materials, consumables and services2 6,027 74 6,101 ersonnel expenses 1,957 1,957 mortisation and depreciation3 773 (117) 656 ntal expenses 8,757 (43) 8,714 perating profit 1,248 100 1,348 iterest income" 47 31 78 iterest expenses (227) (16) (243) 'ther net financing income/(expense) 29 (4) 25 npairment financial assets (190) (190) et financing costs (341) 11 (330) hare of profit of associates" 21 21 rofit before tax 928 111 1,039 fcome tax expense6 (306) (306) rofit 622 111 733 \ttributable to: linority interest 85 6 91 quity holders of the parent (net profit) 537 105 642 Heineken N.V. - Annual Report 2005

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2005 | | pagina 115