84 Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2004 Financial Statements 2004 Notes to the Consolidated Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account and Cash Flow Statement for 2004 The following interests were expanded in 2004: Expanded from Brau Union Aktiengesellschaft (BUAG), Austria, with operations in Austria, Poland, Romania, Hungary and the Czech Republic, from 60.3% to 100% Dinal LLP, Kazakhstan, from 51% to 99.99% 15 May 2004 31 August 2004 Foreign currency and financial instruments Hedging transactions to limit exchange risks are entered into only in respect of actual amounts receivable and payable and highly probable future cash flows in foreign currencies. The instruments used are forward contracts and options. Before such contracts are entered into, cash in- and outflows in a particular currency are netted off at group level as far as possible. Where foreign currency balance sheet positions have been hedged, they are translated at the exchange rate of the hedge. Recognition of results arising from hedging operations relating to future foreign currency cash flows is deferred until the relevant cash flows are accounted for. Other foreign currency transactions in the profit and loss account are recognised at spot rates unless forward contracts have been entered into in connection with these transactions, in which case the forward rate applies. The financial statements of non-euro zone companies are translated into euros. Assets and liabilities are translated at exchange rates on the balance sheet date. Profit and loss account items are translated at the average monthly exchange rates. The difference between the net profit based on average exchange rates and the net profit based on the exchange rates on balance sheet date is accounted for in shareholders' equity. The profit and loss accounts of companies in hyperinflation countries are translated at exchange rates prevailing on the balance sheet date. Differences in book value arise from translation into euros of the opening balance of the share holders' equity of the non-euro zone consolidated companies plus intra-group long-term loans granted to these companies. These differences are treated as revaluations and are credited or debited directly to group equity, with due allowance for taxation. Other differences due to exchange rate movements are accounted for directly in the profit and loss account. Intangible fixed assets Goodwill is calculated as the difference between the cost of an acquisition and its net asset value. In the case of acquisition of beverage wholesalers, the acquisition cost is almost entirely determined by the customer base, and this element is treated as goodwill. As of 2003, goodwill is carried at cost less accumulated amortisation and impairment. Amortisation is calculated by the straight-line method based on the expected economic life of the assets concerned, subject to a maximum of 20 years. Other intangible fixed assets, such as software, satisfying the applicable criteria are capitalised and amortised by the straight-line method over three years. If the net realisable value of intangible fixed assets is less than the carrying amount, a diminution in value is applied. Costs of internally developed brands, patents and licences and research and development are expensed. Brands, patents and licences purchased with acquisitions are treated as part of the goodwill paid. Tangible fixed assets Except for land, which is not depreciated, tangible fixed assets are stated at replacement cost less accumulated depreciation. The following average useful lives are used for depreciation purposes: Buildings Plant and equipment Other fixed assets 30-40 years 10-30 years 5-10 years

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2004 | | pagina 89