Notes to the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account of Heineken N.V. for 2003 Total* 2,852 -107 -778 32 795 -157 2,637 2,637 -152 41 798 -157 3,167 The dividend figure in both years relates to a final dividend of €94 million and an interim dividend of €63 million. The 2002 figures have been restated for comparison purposes FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2003 83 Shareholders' equity Issued capital Statutory reserve Revaluation reserve Retained profits Position as at 1 January 2002 Exchange differences Goodwill Revaluations Realised revaluations Net profit for the year Released Dividend 784 79 -8 45 -13 426 -17 32 -27 1,563 -82 -778 27 750 13 -157 Position as at 31 December 2002 784 103 414 1,336 Position as at 1 January 2003 Exchange differences Revaluations Realised revaluations Net profit for the year Released Dividend 784 103 - 14 37 - 12 414 -22 41 -35 1,336 -116 35 761 12 -157 Position as at 31 December 2003 784 114 398 1,871

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2003 | | pagina 89