2003 2002 Notes to the Consolidated Balance Sheet Financial instruments Contract value as at 31 December Currency hedging instruments in US dollars Currency hedging instruments in other currencies Interest-hedging instruments 649 101 1,414 904 114 1,029 Exchange risks The foreign exchange hedging operations in 2003 produced an average exchange rate of 0.96 US dollars to the euro on a total of 795 million US dollars. The expected net cash flow in 2004 amounts to approx imately 800 million US dollars. As at 31 December 2003, 544 million US dollars of the expected 2004 cash flow had been hedged at an average exchange rate of 1.09 US dollars to the euro. The expected cash flow for 2005 has not yet been hedged as at 31 December 2003. Interest rate risks Heineken attempts to hedge results and cash flows against interest rate fluctuations as far as possible by financing either at fixed rates or at variable rates combined with the use of interest rate instruments, namely interest rate swaps, forward rate agreements, caps and floors. Market value The market value of interest rate and exchange rate instruments is the amount for which the financial instruments concerned can be bought or sold in a free market. The market value of the financial instruments amounts to €117 million (2002: €83 million). The maturity of the exchange rate hedging instruments is less than one year. Interest rate hedging instruments maturing after one year amount to €1,335 million. The market value of long-term loans may differ from the amount at which they are carried in the balance sheet. INANCIAL STATEMENTS 2003 67

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2003 | | pagina 73