Notes to the Consolidated Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account and Cash Flow Statement for 2002 When the relevant legal requirements are changed, good will will be capitalised and amortised over the expected economic life of the assets concerned. Other intangible fixed assets are capitalised and amor tised by the straight-line method over three years. If the net realisable value of intangible fixed assets is less than the carrying amount, a diminution in value is applied. Costs of internally developed brands, patents and licences and research and development are expensed. Brands, patents and licences purchased with acquisitions are treated as part of the goodwill paid. Tangible fixed assets Except for land, which is not depreciated, tangible fixed assets are stated at replacement cost less accumulated depreciation. The following average useful lives are used for depreciation purposes: Buildings 30-40 years Plant and equipment 10-30 years Other fixed assets 5-10 years The replacement cost is based on appraisals by internal and external experts, taking into account technical and economic developments. Other factors taken into account include the experience gained in the construction of breweries throughout the world. Grants received in respect of investments in tangible fixed assets are deducted from the amount of the invest ment. Projects under construction are included at cost. Financial fixed assets Non-consolidated participating interests where the group has a significant influence are stated at the Heineken share of the net asset value, which is arrived at as far as possible on the basis of the Heineken accounting policies. Other non-consolidated participating interests are stated at cost less any necessary provisions. Loans to non-consolidated companies and other finan cial fixed assets are carried at face value, less provisions for credit risks. Impairment of assets Regular assessments are made for any indications that intangible and tangible fixed assets might be impaired. If any such indications exist, the net realisable value of the assets concerned is determined. If the net realisable value of an asset is less than its book value, the difference is deducted from the carrying amount as an impairment loss and charged to the profit and loss account. Current assets Stocks bought in from third parties are stated at replace ment cost, arrived at on the basis of prices from current purchase contracts and latest prices as at balance sheet date. Finished products and work in progress are stated at manufactured cost based on replacement cost and taking into account the production stage reached. Stocks of spare parts are depreciated on a straight-line basis taking account of obsolescence. If the recoverable amount or net realisable value of stocks is less than their replacement cost, provisions are made in respect of the difference. Advance payments on stocks are included at face value. Receivables are carried at face value less a provision for credit risks and less the amount of deposits on return able packaging. Securities are carried at the lower of historical cost and quoted price, or estimated market value in the case of unlisted securities. Cash is included at face value. Revaluations Differences in carrying amounts due to revaluations are credited or debited to group equity, less an amount in respect of deferred tax liabilities where applicable. Provisions The provision for deferred tax liabilities is formed in respect of timing differences between the balance sheet for reporting purposes and the recognition of assets and liabilities for tax purposes as well as taxation on profit distributions borne by the group. The liabilities are calcu lated at the standard tax rates on balance sheet date and are stated at face value. Deferred tax assets are netted off against deferred tax liabilities of the same kind over matching periods. A net deferred tax asset is not recognised unless future realisation is reasonably certain. The provisions for pension liabilities and similar schemes are calculated at net present value according to actuarial principles based on current pay levels. Full provi sion is made for pension liabilities in respect of accrued benefit rights. Prior-service liabilities resulting from improvements in remuneration packages and pension plans are added to the provision for pension liabilities and charged directly to the result. Provisions connected with reorganisation plans are cal- HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2002 50

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2002 | | pagina 53