Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 2002 2001 in millions of euros Cash flow from operating activities Operating profit 1,282 1,125 Results of non-consolidated participating interests 48 45 Amortisation/depreciation and value adjustments 529 476 Movements in provisions - 8 - 32 Movements in working capital -223 -42 Cash flow from operations 1,628 1,572 Interest paid and received -103 - 74 Taxation paid on profits - 341 - 333 Cash flow from operating activities 1,184 1,165 Dividends paid -187 -168 Cash flow from operating activities less dividends paid 997 997 Cash flow from investing activities Intangible fixed assets -35 -17 Tangible fixed assets -696 -578 Consolidated participating interests - 799 - 148 Non-consolidated participating interests -423 -74 Extraordinary result on participating interests disposed of - 52 Other financial fixed assets - 20 - 18 -1,973 -783 Cash flow from financing activities Long-term borrowings 484 86 Repayment of long-term borrowings - 56 - 182 Share issue by group companies -1 57 427 -39 Net cash flow -549 175 Other cash movements Changes in the consolidation -88 99 Exchange differences -36 -14 Movement in net cash -673 260 The net cash position is made up of Cash 680 1,146 Securities 98 29 Bank overdrafts - 573 - 297 Position as at 31 December 205 878 HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2002 48

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2002 | | pagina 51