Consolidated Profit and Loss Account 2002 2001* in millions of euros Net turnover 10,293 9,333 Raw materials, consumables and services 5,558 5,089 Excise duties 1,282 1,226 Staffcosts 1,642 1,417 Amortisation/depreciation and value adjustments 529 476 Total operating expenses 9,011 8,208 Operating profit 1,282 1,125 Results of non-consolidated participating interests 48 45 Interest -109 - 71 Profit before tax 1,221 1,099 Taxation - 364 - 327 Group profit after tax 857 772 Minority interests - 62 - 57 Net profit on ordinary activities 795 715 Extraordinary result after tax - 52 Net profit 795 767 Number of shares in issue 391,979,675 391,979,675 Net profit per share on ordinary activities 2.03 1.82 The 2001 figures have been restated for comparison purposes. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2002 47

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2002 | | pagina 50