Notes to the Consolidated Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account and Cash Flow Statement for 2001 General The financial statements and the report of the Executive Board have been prepared in accordance with the provi sions of Part g, Book 2, of the Netherlands Civil Code. There were a number of changes in the scope of the consolidation during the year, the following being the more significant of these with regard to the financial state ments. Nigerian Breweries, in Nigeria, in which the interest has been increased to 54.2%, has been fully consolidated with effect from 1 January 2001. In 2000, the then 43.3% interest in Nigerian Breweries was included at net asset value. Owing to the increase in the interest in Affligem Brouwerij BDS, in Belgium, to 95.7%, this participating interest has likewise been fully consolidated with effect from 1 January 2001. A number of beverage wholesalers have also been included in the consolidation. Several non-core activities of the DB Group, in New Zealand, including Corban Wines, have been sold off. In Papua New Guinea, the non-alcoholic beverages activities of SP Holdings were also disposed of. The 49.9% participating interest in BrauHolding International, in Germany, a joint venture between Heineken International B.V. and Bayerische BrauHolding AG, acquired in February 2001, was carried at net asset val ue in the balance sheet as at 31 December 2001. With effect from 1 January 2002, the joint venture will be proportional ly consolidated, with Heineken sharing in the results as from that date. The changes had the effect of increasing net turnover by EUR 456 million and resulted in a goodwill charge against group equity of EUR 320 million. The financial information relating to Heineken N.V. has been included in the consolidated balance sheet and profit and loss account. The abridged presentation permitted by Section 402, Part 9, Book 2, of the Netherlands Civil Code has accordingly been used for the Heineken N.V. profit and loss account. The amounts disclosed in the notes are in millions of euros unless otherwise indicated. Consolidation principles Heineken N.V. and the subsidiaries with which it forms a group are fully consolidated in the consolidated balance sheet and profit and loss account, with minority interests in group equity and group profits shown separately. Proportional consolidation is applied in the case of com panies in which the Heineken group has a direct interest and exercises a controlling influence on management decisions in partnership with other shareholders and whose activities are closely related to those of the Heineken group. In the analyses of movements in various assets and lia bilities, disclosures of'changes in the consolidation' relate to increases or decreases in the group's interests in consol idated companies. Foreign currency Hedging transactions are entered into only to limit exchange risks in respect of actual amounts receivable and payable and highly probable future cash flows in for eign currencies. The instruments used are forward contracts and options. Before such contracts are entered into, inward and outward cash flows in a particular curren cy are netted off at group level as far as possible. Where foreign currency balance sheet positions have been hedged, they are translated at the exchange rate of the hedge. Recognition of results arising from hedging opera tions relating to future foreign currency cash flows is deferred until the relevant cash flows are accounted for. Other foreign currency transactions in the profit and loss account are recognised at spot rates unless forward con tracts have been entered into in connection with these transactions, in which case the forward rate applies. The financial statements of non-eurozone companies are translated into euros. Assets and liabilities are translat ed at exchange rates on the balance sheet date. Profit and loss account items are translated at the average monthly exchange rates. The difference between the net profit based on average exchange rates and the net profit based on the exchange rates as at balance sheet date is account ed for in the revaluation reserve. The profit and loss accounts of companies in hyperinflation countries are translated at exchange rates prevailing on the balance sheet date. The translation into euros of the opening balance of the shareholders' equity of the non-eurozone consolidated companies plus intra-group loans granted to these compa nies gives rise to translation differences. These differences are treated as revaluations and are credited or debited directly to group equity, with due allowance for taxation. Other differences due to exchange rate movements are accounted for directly in the profit and loss account. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2001 53

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2001 | | pagina 59